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Water Line Identification Reminder

The IEPA is requiring the City to identify all water service lines in residential homes built prior to 1985. If this applies to you, we sent surveys asking homeowners to confirm the type of waterline coming into their home (Copper, Galvanized, or Plastic).
If you received a survey from us, please complete and return as soon as possible. A second request will be going in the mail next week. All you need to do is check (X) the appropriate box, sign, date and return the survey to City Hall by the referenced date.
If you would like someone from City Hall to verify your water service line for you (this will take less than five (5) minutes), we will be happy to do so. Please call Kelli at (618) 939-8600 ext. 216 to set a date and time convenient for you.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.