City Clerk

Mechelle Childers
Term Expires: April 30, 2027
The City Clerk’s office is responsible for the following:
- Minutes of the City Council meetings and public hearings
- Document maintenance for ordinances, resolutions, agreements / contracts, legal issues, meeting agendas / packets / minutes
- Maintenance and codification of the City of Waterloo Revised Code of Ordinances
- Posting of meetings of the City Council and committees responsible for the overseeing of city business in accordance with the State of Illinois Open Meetings Act
- Retention of records relating to city business in accordance with records retention schedules developed in conjunction with the State of Illinois
- Retrieval of said records for compliance with the State of Illinois Freedom of Information Act.
City Treasurer

Brad Papenberg
Term Expires: April 30, 2027
The City Treasurer is elected every four years and is the custodian of all City funds. The City Treasurer is responsible for recording and depositing all money belonging to the City.