Mission Statement
We, the members of the Waterloo Police Department, in partnership with the community, are dedicated to providing professional police services. We are committed to serve with integrity and compassion, and strive to improve the quality of life within the community of Waterloo.
About the Department
The Police Department currently maintains a staff of 15 full-time police officers and within their ranks is the Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police, a Lieutenant, a Sergeant and a Detective. There are also 5 crossing guards.
Additional Resources
- D.A.R.E. Program
- Drug Take Back Box
- Active Shooter Training
- Home Alone Program
- Senior Academy
- Identity Theft Training
- Domestic Violence Program
- Community Safety Guide
D.A.R.E. Program
The Dare program has been active in the Waterloo School District since 1987. D.A.R.E. is an acronym for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The Dare program is a 16-week long program taught to students in the 5th grade.
The Dare program covers topics such as; harmful effects of drugs and alcohol, consequences, pressures to use drugs, how to say no in an assertive manner, media influence on kids, finding good role models and finally the students write an essay taking a stand against drugs. The program is culminated with a Dare graduation. Awards are given for the best essays and the winners read their essays aloud. Each Dare Graduate receives a graduation certificate and a Dare graduate lapel pin. Parents and friends are invited to witness the graduation and to partake in an ice cream sundae party afterwards.
The Dare Officer is a Waterloo Police Officer, David Midkiff, who is specially trained to work with children.
Domestic Violence Program
The Waterloo Police Department is aggressive in their response to domestic abuse. The Police Department works closely with the Violence Prevention Center and the Monroe County Court Advocate to protect those persons who are victims of domestic violence.
The Illinois Domestic Violence Act states:
Illinois recognizes domestic violence as a serious crime. Any person who hits, chokes, kicks, threatens, harasses, etc., or interferes with the personal liberty of another family or household member, someone they are dating, or anyone to whom these relationships has ever applied has broken the law.
Victims of domestic violence have the right to:
- Be protected from further abuse
- Press criminal charges against the abuser
- File for an Order of Protection on their own behalf and/or on behalf of a minor child or an incapacitated adult
An Order of Protection can:
- Prohibit future abuse
- Bar the abuser temporarily from the home
- Award temporary custody or determine visitation of minor children
- Prohibit destruction of victim’s property
- Prohibit the abuser from victim’s place of employment
- Offer other relief as appropriate
- Require offender to undergo counseling
- Order the abuser to pay support, medical costs and legal expenses
Orders of Protection can be obtained without cost. The Women’s Crisis Center offers Court Advocacy for obtaining Orders of Protection. All services are free.
For assistance call 618-939-8114 or 24-hour hotline 1-800-924-0096.
The Waterloo Police Department will use all reasonable means to prevent further abuse, including:
- Arranging for the victim’s transportation to a medical facility or safe shelter, and accompanying the victim back to the residence to get belongings.
- Arresting the abuser where appropriate and completing a police report on all bona fide incidents; advising the victim of her/his rights and the importance of preserving evidence.

Police Chief
Dane Luke