Building Official |
Administration |
618-939-8763 |
rrohwedder@waterloo.il.us |
Barrett, Elisabeth |
Clerk |
Business Office |
618-939-8600 |
EBarrett@waterloo.il.us |
Benda, Mike |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
mbenda@waterloo.il.us |
Birk, Tim |
Director of Public Works |
Public Works, Administration |
618-939-8600 ext. 221 |
tbirk@waterloo.il.us |
Braun, Justin |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
jbraun@waterloo.il.us |
Braye, Brandon |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
bbraye@waterloo.il.us |
Buettner, Kyle |
Alderman Ward III |
Elected Officials |
618-920-6623 |
kbuettner@waterloo.il.us |
Buettner, Matthew |
Alderman Ward I |
Elected Officials |
618-334-4025 |
mbuettner@waterloo.il.us |
Charron, Tina |
Alderman, Ward III |
Elected Officials |
618-567-4602 |
tcharron@waterloo.il.us |
Childers, Mechelle |
City Clerk |
Elected Officials |
618-939-8643 |
Craig, Sarah |
Human Resources Coordinator |
Administration |
618-939-8732 |
scraig@waterloo.il.us |
Dahlem, Andy |
Detective |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
adahlem@waterloo.il.us |
Darter, Stan |
Mayor |
Elected Officials |
618-401-7695 |
sdarter@waterloo.il.us |
Daws, Trin |
Sergeant |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
tdaws@waterloo.il.us |
Deutch, Sarah |
Community Relations Coordinator |
Administration |
618-939-8600 ext. 211 |
sdeutch@waterloo.il.us |
Feldmeier, Patty |
Book Keeping Clerk |
Business Office |
618-939-8600 ext. 215 |
pfeldmeier@waterloo.il.us |
Gunn, Shannon |
Payroll Clerk |
Business Office |
618-939-8600 ext 218 |
sgunn@waterloo.il.us |
Haddick, Cliff (Matt) |
Sergeant |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
chaddick@waterloo.il.us |
Hoffmann, Brian |
CAD Operator |
Public Works, Mapping |
618-939-8600 ext. 209 |
brhoffmann@waterloo.il.us |
Hopkins, Jim |
Alderman Ward II |
Elected Officials |
618-939-9767 |
jhop@htc.net |
Ingram, Mason |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
mingram@waterloo.il.us |
Kennedy, Shawn |
Collector/Budget Officer |
Administration |
618-939-8600 ext. 207 |
skennedy@waterloo.il.us |
Klopmeyer, Natalie |
Office Clerk |
Business Office |
618-939-8600 ext. 219 |
nklopmeyer@waterloo.il.us |
Krebel, Nathan |
Zoning Administrator |
Administration |
618-939-8600 ext. 212 |
nkrebel@waterloo.il.us |
Kujawa, Tammy |
Deputy City Clerk |
Business Office |
618-939-8600 ext. 225 |
tkujawa@waterloo.il.us |
Luke, Dane |
Chief of Police |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
dluke@waterloo.il.us |
Midkiff, Dave |
Sergeant |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
dmidkiff@waterloo.il.us |
Moravec, Steve |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
smoravec@waterloo.il.us |
Most, Gary |
Alderman, Ward IV |
Elected Officials |
618-939-6273 |
gmost@waterloo.il.us |
Pace, Kelli |
Administrative Secretary |
Public Works |
618-939-8600 ext. 216 |
kpace@waterloo.il.us |
Papenberg, Brad |
City Treasurer |
Elected Officials |
618-939-7194 |
Pruett, Sam |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
spruett@waterloo.il.us |
Row, Russ |
Alderman Ward IV |
Elected Officials |
618-972-1524 |
rrow@waterloo.il.us |
Salama, Rahman |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
rsalama@waterloo.il.us |
Schreckenberg, Kevin |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
Kschreckenberg@waterloo.il.us |
Schwarze, Bonnie |
Billing Clerk |
Business Office |
618-939-8600 ext. 204 |
bschwarze@waterloo.il.us |
Siebenberger, Dale |
Police Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
dsiebenberger@waterloo.il.us |
Trantham, Jim |
Alderman Ward II |
Elected Officials |
618-939-7015 |
jtrantham@waterloo.il.us |
Voelker, Sherri |
Records Clerk |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
svoelker@waterloo.il.us |
Vogt, Joel |
Alderman, Ward I |
Elected Officials |
618-920-7686 |
jvogt@waterloo.il.us |
Wiegand, Shaun |
School Resource Officer |
Police |
618-939-3377 |
swiegand@waterloo.il.us |
Yearian, Brad |
Building Inspector |
Administration |
618-939-8600 ext 208 |
byearian@waterloo.il.us |