Waterloo has an abundance of healthcare resources available to our residents. From a multi-practice clinic, to a surgery center and dialysis center, you rarely have to leave town to get the care that you need. A brand new rehab facility is also available to get you back on your feet after a major surgery or accident.
Find out more below:
917 N. Illinoios Route 3 Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 618-939-3400
Work Fax: 618-939-3429
Work Email: waterlooil@apexnetworkpt.com
Website: http://www.apexnetworkpt.com
224 Bradford Lane Suite B Waterloo IL 62298 USA
Work Phone: (618) 939-7979
Work Fax: (618) 939-8023
Work Email: jamiej@bankheadortho.com
Website: The Orthodontic Specialists of Waterloo
1327 Jamie Lane Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 939-9969
Work Fax: 939-9978
Work Email: darding@htc.net
Website: http://www.dardingchiropractic.net
623 Hamacher St Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 618-939-0400
Website: http://evergreenpointewaterloo.com/
509 Hamacher Street, Ste. 102 Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 618-939-3939
Work Fax: 618-939-3941
Work Email: JWachtel@qhcus.com
Website: Family Practice Associates
224 Bradford Lane Suite A Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 618-939-0112
Work Email: hearttoheartpeds@gmail.com
Website: Heart 2 Heart Website
200 E. Mill Street Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 939-2900
Work Fax: (888) 908-5295
Work Email: info@hjortho.com
Website: http://www.hentscherjohnsonortho.com
305 S. Illiniois Street Belleville IL 62220
Work Phone: (618) 235-1703
Work Fax: (618) 222-5969
Work Email: mwessel@hospice.org
Website: http://www.hospice.org
208 E. Mill Street Waterloo IL 62298 USA
Work Phone: (618) 939-3009
Work Fax: (618) 939-3865
Work Email: emilykrusedc@gmail.com
Website: Kruse Chiropractic
722 N. Market St. Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 939-4224
Work Email: dgeist@htc.net
Website: https://www.mylifenet.org/
901 Illinois Avenue Suite C Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 939-6175
Work Fax: 939-4141
Work Email: mcemsr@htc.net
Website: http://www.mocoems.com
708 N. Market Street Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: (618) 939-3411
Work Email: amberchiro16@yahoo.com
226 Westview Plaza Drive Waterloo IL 62298 USA
Work Phone: (618) 939-4042
Work Fax: (618) 939-5404
Work Email: waterloo@smilesrforever.com
Website: Smiles R Forever
343 West Fourth Street Waterloo Illinois 62298
Work Phone: (618) 939-5585
Work Email: colleen@turningpointwc.com
Website: Turning Point Wellness Center
Dr. Colleen Miller, Dr. Jen Kujawski, Dr. Katie Neff
907 Illinois Route 3 Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 618-350-0200
Website: https://urgentcarewaterlooil.com/
1329 North Illinois Route 3 Suite 4 Waterloo IL 62298
Work Phone: 618-939-7761
Website: Wonder Works Pediatric Therapy